The CCP’s NPC Concludes and Passes a Law that Continues to Reinforce Xi's Centrality

11 months ago

03/11/2024 Al Jazeera: The CCP’s National People's Congress concluded in Beijing, passing several laws, including one to strengthen the power of the Communist Party with President Xi Jinping at its core. China's slowing economic growth was also one of the focuses of the meeting, with acknowledged issues such as rising unemployment and difficulties in the real estate market. It also canceled the practice since 1988 of ending the meeting with the Prime Minister's press conference.
03/11/2024 半岛电视台:中共全国人民代表大会在北京闭幕。会议通过了多项法律,其中包括一项以习近平主席为核心、加强共产党权力的法律。会议的焦点之一是经济增长放缓,并承认了失业率上升和房地产市场困境等问题。此外,本次会议还取消了自1988年以来,以总理的新闻发布会来结束人大会议的惯例。

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