Walt Disney's Nativity Pageant

10 months ago

In the 1950's Walt Disney started an annual Nativity Pageant in Disneyland. The Matterhorn mountain, the highest point in the park, eventually became the home to the Star of Bethlehem so the 3 Wisemen could find the Christ Child. For many years that star rotated. When Walt Disney World opened after Walt passed away, the Nativity pageant was brought there as well.

This video is a home movie of the living Nativity Show, performed at Walt Disney World Village, in 1983. The show was called the Glory and Pageantry of Christmas and was performed as a living Tableau, with three performances nightly for about a ten day period during the Christmas season. The incredible background vocals were performed by the amazing A Cappella group known as The Regeneration Carolers, under the direction of Derrick Johnson, who also served as the Innkeeper character and provided the narration. What is not included in this video is the pre-show performance by The Regeneration Carolers, which included a collection of Christmas Carols. The Glory and Pageantry of Christmas was discontinued by the Eisner regime some time in the early 1990's.

If a guest had not recorded this home movie there would be no evidence that this event was once a Christmas tradition at Walt Disney's the Magic Kingdom and is part of Walt Disney history.

Posted for historical purposes. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.

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