he COVID criminals are going to claim there is a new pandemic from bacteria, says Heiko Schoening MD

11 months ago

Heiko Schoening, MD says the criminals who brought us the COVID-19 “pandemic”, are planning a new [bullshit] “pandemic”. This time they will claim the problem is a deadly multi-resistant bacteria (rather than a “virus”). They will insist on lockdown, quarantine, and lots of testing. This will be Step One. Step Two will be to force everyone to take [new, gene-altered] “antibiotics”. This has NOTHING to do with health. These new, non-traditional “antibiotics” they are creating include mRNA [very dangerous, not good!], will be related to gene-altered plants, mainly gene-altered tobacco plants. They want to change YOUR gut microbiome. Your gut microbiome is very important for your immune system. Your immune system learns from your gut microbiome. If you destroy your gut microbiome with antibiotics… you really have a problem. What kind of new bacteria will grow in your gut? The criminals have made [gene-altered] “probiotics” that they will have you take to re-populate your gut with “new” gene-altered bacteria. They want to change what we are. They want to change what we feel. The gut microbiome affects how we feel, and what we are. The criminals will claim that even mRNA medications are “antibiotics”. We are dealing with criminals. It’s NOT science. It’s NOT wonderful new technology. This is being done by criminals. They are using the W.H.O. for the legal aspects. They put this multi-resistance bacteria narrative in the new W.H.O. pandemic treaty. So this is very, very new.

This 35-minute presentation posted on Jan 22, 2024 is posted here:


Source - Fat News

To survive what is coming, read/study: https://thewayhomeorfacethefire.net

Time To Think : https://hannahmichaels.wordpress.com/


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