What Happened After Easter? - 04/16/2023 | The Road To Easter 2023 |

11 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

Sermon Notes & Bible Verses:
What Happened After Easter - (Acts 1.1-8)
I - He Was Present For 40 Days - (Acts 1.3) (John 20.26-29) (John 21.15-17) (Matthew 28.18-20) (John 20.30-31)
II - He Ascended - (Acts 1.9-11) (Luke 24.50-51)
1. It Signaled The Successful End Of His Earthly Ministry
2. It Allowed Holy Spirit To Come - (John 14.15-18) (John 16.7-16) (Romans 8.11)
3. It Started His New Work - (Hebrews 4.14-16) (Hebrews 9.15
4. It Set The Pattern For His Return - (Daniel 7.13-14) (Revelation 1.7-8)
III - He Is At The Right Hand of God - (Psalm 110.1) (Matthew 26.64)
1. Jesus Conquered Death - (Hebrews 1.3)
2. Jesus Has The Highest Place - (1 Peter 3.22)
3. Jesus Is The Priest Who Took Away All Sin - (Psalm 110.4) (Hebrews 10.11) (Hebrews 10.10) (Hebrews 10.12)
4. Jesus Is The Returning King - (Psalm 110.2) (Revelation 19.15-16) (John 18.37) (Daniel 7.13-14) (Isaiah 9.6-7)
5. Jesus Will Return To Judge - (Revelation 20.11-13) (2 Corinthians 5.10)

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