Brain Games for Cats #1 - keep your smart hunter cats engaged with games

11 months ago

My boy Roo is very bright. He needs a daily challenge and gets bored and frustrated easily. If he doesn't get stimulated both with play and a mental challenge for treats then he causes trouble. Trouble means that he will go beat up on my second cat Bear.

These games started some years ago when I bought a treat toy. It took a few days for him to get it then he knew what to do and how to get maximum payout asap. Then it got boring for him. I found another one and it was the same thing. So I started making games for him. He is extremely treat motivated, very bright and loves to wow me with his intelligence and dexterity. And above all he likes it too.

I once got a slow feeder for him, but he couldn't do it, not even after a week and he gave up. That wasn't good.

Each game has to be something that surprises him, challenges him, makes him work a bit more, but never impossible. Just enough, not too much. Big enough a challenge to matter, but small enough to manage.

subscribe to see more. They will be short. I will at some point share with you how I cook for my cats. it is easy and simple. Costs less, is healthier, mostly organic, human food grade and I add vitamins so they get everything. I originally started cooking for them because they were throwing up daily (both my cats) and I thought maybe it was the food even though I had great food for them. They went from throwing up daily to throwing up maybe once a month. and they stopped throwing up on a daily basis!... which was why I decided to start cooking for them.

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