Camping at Pinchot State Forest, PA with Dragon Roams and SkinnyGPanda

10 months ago

Originally published on YouTube on November 7, 2018

#camping #outdoors #Pennsylvania
The stars aligned on my trip up north. I got to meet four YouTubers in the span of 3 days. I couldn't have been more lucky!

Two awesome creators, Dragon Roams (Don) and SkinnyGPanda (Gerri) met with me at a drive up campground up in the beautiful mountains of Pennsylvania. The hour was getting late so a hike in spot was not a great option.

We hung out by the fire for a bit before Panda had to go then Dragon and I burnt wood into the wee hours of the late night/early morning. A chilly 35 degrees kept us gathering wood all night.

I did very little editing on this one because I wanted to capture the experience as real as possible. I chose not do any fancy editing or music, just us in the dark on the mountain.

I had an absolute blast despite having a long day (I may have been a little loopy at this point). Thank you so much Dragon and Panda for your time, It was awesome!

Please check out Dragon and Panda, their links are below! Awesome Channels!

Dragon Roams:


Contact Info:

My 2nd channel:
BURNWOOD CHRONICLES for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips, smoking and grilling meat and more.

Watch me on Rumble!

"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open."

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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