Raskin owned again. Bravo 👏🏼

6 months ago

Rep. Victoria Spartz, who grew up under communism in the Ukraine/Soviet Union, reprimands Jamie Raskin for virtue signaling about the dangers of communism.
“I actually grew up under communists and I have a very good recollection of what it is… Unfortunately they’ve been emboldened by President Obama and now by President Biden too - and unfortunately our government and DOJ is really now resembling a tyrannical government.”
About the photo:
🤡Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, said Republicans should “fold up the circus tent” of their impeachment inquiry, as lawmakers prepare to hear from Hunter Biden, the president’s son.
“I think that our colleagues would do best at this point to fold up the circus tent and allow us to focus on something that would actually be of benefit to the American people,” Raskin said.
READ (https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4493899-hunter-biden-interview-impeachment-inquiry-live-coverage/#142795)
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If I were the Deep State
The Spanish Flu cover up. It was the vaccine that killed people.
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