Military Minute 12 Mar 24

1 year ago

I’m Papa Penguin and this is your Military Minute.

NCIS recently took down diaper sniffer disguised as a Marine. They investigated and got a conviction for Staff Sgt. Jawan T. Hale on 13 charges.

This disgusting piece of filth was targeting single mothers to gain access to their children.

No need to elaborate.

He got 30 years, a dishonorable discharge and reduction in rank to private.

Those kids and their mothers got life sentences.

The country of Haiti has been extra spicy of late. Gangs are battling it out with the government for control of the country resulting in the US evacuating some Americans and beefing up security at the embassy. Likely with Marines from FAST company or MSAU.

It’s not Palestine or Israel, so nobody cares.

Defense contractor Boeing hit more turbulence in the form of a whistleblower. John Barnett, a 32 year employee, alleged the company was cutting safety corners for money. He conveniently self deleted in a hotel parking lot via a GSW to the head.

And that’s your military minute.

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