Koinonia Hour - Marty Breeden Testimony - "And In Hell He Lifted Up His Eyes"

11 months ago

Listen on Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/joanie-stahl/episodes/Koinonia-Hour---Marty-Breeden-Testimony---And-In-Hell-He-Lifted-Up-His-Eyes-e2gvv68

**Marty Breeden Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/mw.breeden

**"Almost Heaven With Marty & Georgia Lee" Face Book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1057686508781937/

**"Marty's 2 Minute Warning" Telegram Group: t.me/Twominutewarning

**Marty Breeden Contact: Almostheavenmgb@gmail.com

**Gifts To Marty Breedens Pay Pal: paypal,com/paypalme/MBreeden

**Check out Marty Breeden's powerful life after death testimony: "Deputy Marty Breeden- Amazing NDE & Vision- Jesus Urgent Warning" Time Is Short!: https://youtu.be/I0ML87ct4GE?si=j75wQ1Nln0em_M7h

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As we are fast tracking towards the return of Jesus Christ, there are multitudes that are not saved. Many are putting it off because they feel they would rather wait till a better time. Others are actively resisting the powerful drawing power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many others never take it seriously.

Today Marty Breeden reveals in a powerful, heart pounding testimony about what happened to him as a young man. His story is full of detail and truth about his life as a child and always fearing death.

How he turned away from the powerful call to come to Christ and His subsequent visitation to hell. This message was prepared with much prayer as it was difficult to relive the things he saw, heard and felt. As well as the great mercy from the God of love Jesus Christ.

Listen to this penetrating message in the awe of how Jesus will stop at nothing to have people with Him forever in heaven.

"The center of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much." ~Oswald Chambers

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