Tue 12Mar24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED

6 months ago

(2:00) As TrumpShot effects become ever MORE OBVIOUS, governments move to criminalize any talk about them
• As all causes of illness soar in New Zealand, the government makes it a CRIME TO TALK ABOUT VACCINE ADVERSE EFFECTS
• Vocal jab advocate, a young MD, sudden cardiac death
• Doctors can now edit genes in your body
• Bill to end legal immunity for TrumpShots
• It's not just AI that's hallucinating — now CEOs are tripping on mushrooms
(24:33) More fallout from Trump CONTINUING to boast about his depopulation shots
• RFK very mild criticism: Trump "didn't learn from his Covid mistakes"
• More QAnon Intel-bots tell us Trump was doing "5th Generation Warfare".  Is that better than "4D Chess"?
• Trump was totally OWNED by BigPharma — just look at his HHS picks and actions
• Trump supporters say, YET AGAIN, Trump has to stop pushing these kill shots or I'll quit supporting him. 
• Alex Jones says if Trump doesn't disown jabs, he won't be able to sleep.  Telling people the TrumpShots were sugar water doesn't keep Alex awake now?
• Wayne Allyn Root doubles down on the "Trump Miracle", "chosen one", "supernatural" — blasphemy and idolatry
(55:57) Pay to Pray Trump Rally Where the Prey Will Pay
Mar-a-Lago prayer rally where gullible prey will pay $1,000 each.  It's not a cult?  
(1:08:23) More measles panic sold by media
(1:18:54) Boeing Whistleblower Suicided?
Plane nosedives injured 50 passengers some critically as they slam and stay at the ceiling — like "The Exorcist" — identified so far only as "mechanical failure".  This follows a rash of mechanical failures. And a whistleblower dies from gunshot in the middle of a trial he is testifying in where his accusations have been corroborated by FAA findings
(1:37:24) The evolution and equivocation of Vivek Ramaswamy on TikTok.  Just pick a side and shut up.  No discussion about principle, free speech, censorship — just whose advantage it would be to ban or not ban.  But he's not going to give money to Trump.  He's not stupid
(1:53:41) Trump's "Save America" scam.  $250 MILLION for a so-called Official Election Defense Fund that didn't exist.  Deceptive credit card practices that accounted for 3% of all fraud complaints and refunds of $122.7 MILLION, 11% of what they raised before Save America
(2:03:57) WATCH Trump's Butler did it — his driver, named Butler, talks about Trump being for sale

(2:07:09) Is Trump's pick for co-Chair of RNC (with his daughter-in-law) a Green Energy Grifter?
(2:13:58) Ralph Reed goes all in for Trump with $62 MILLION from "Faith and Freedom".  Where was the faith and where was the freedom in 2020?
(2:15:22) MAGA cult is turning into a Jacobin mob looking for revenge even at the state level.  Laura Looney makes it clear "I'll get you my pretty"
(2:21:46) It's the Stupid Economy
• Inflation, under-reported of course, is not going down.  Will Fed cut rates anyway?
• Disney-flation
• Biden's $7.3 TRILLION budget
• Biden will pay you if you let him raise your children
• VISA credit card company goes deep into biometric payment — and they're far from the only one
• Lawsuit after National Park refuses to accept cash

(2:46:37) Border Line Insanity
• Denver is looking for apartments to give illegal aliens for free as it cuts MILLIONS from programs for citizens and pays more than 5,000 city employees $100,000 or more
• Illegal immigration is #1 issue in several states
• Frankfurt becomes first German city to put up lights for Ramadan as 15% of population is now Muslim
• Why don't Americans want children?  Heritage blames schools and universities

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