"Colors" Explained by the Crunchy Christian Mar 07, 2024

9 months ago

Why do Christians do what Christians do? Ashleigh Hensch dives in weekly to help clear the fog of confusion with easy to understand Church history and tradition.
🎨Oh, what a cacophony of colors! If you've ever noticed that the vestments (special priest robes/clothes) or paraments (altar coverings) change at a liturgical church, you may be wondering why and when these changes happen. Today, it's all color talk! 🎨
✨New word: Adiaphoron (plural, adiaphora): a religious ceremonial or ritual observance that is held to be an affair of the individual conscience because it is neither forbidden nor enjoined by the scriptures, or a matter having no moral merit or demerit. It comes from the Greek word adiaphoros, which means "indifferent" (https://www.merriam-webster.com/)
📜I learned that there was a word (adiaphoron) used to describe what my mother and I talk about often in this article, which also has some great explanations on liturgical colors from a "Western" perspective: https://www.lcms.org/.../chu.../colors-of-liturgical-seasons
📜I gleaned most of my Orthodox information (since I am not as well versed as I'd like to be in Orthodox traditions) from here: https://www.goarch.org/-/liturgical-colors-in-the-church and from here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://stnicholasoca.org/.../Why-Do-We-Do-That...
💡In my attempt to distinguish between Orthodox churches and "Western" churches, I sometimes call them "catholic" tradition. This is little "c" catholic, which means "universal", NOT big "C" Catholic which is used to references THE Catholic Church.
#crunchychristian #WalkLikeLions #liturgicalcolors #liturgy

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