"Colors" Explained by the Crunchy Christian Mar 07, 2024

11 months ago

Why do Christians do what Christians do? Ashleigh Hensch dives in weekly to help clear the fog of confusion with easy to understand Church history and tradition.
🎨Oh, what a cacophony of colors! If you've ever noticed that the vestments (special priest robes/clothes) or paraments (altar coverings) change at a liturgical church, you may be wondering why and when these changes happen. Today, it's all color talk! 🎨
✨New word: Adiaphoron (plural, adiaphora): a religious ceremonial or ritual observance that is held to be an affair of the individual conscience because it is neither forbidden nor enjoined by the scriptures, or a matter having no moral merit or demerit. It comes from the Greek word adiaphoros, which means "indifferent" (https://www.merriam-webster.com/)
📜I learned that there was a word (adiaphoron) used to describe what my mother and I talk about often in this article, which also has some great explanations on liturgical colors from a "Western" perspective: https://www.lcms.org/.../chu.../colors-of-liturgical-seasons
📜I gleaned most of my Orthodox information (since I am not as well versed as I'd like to be in Orthodox traditions) from here: https://www.goarch.org/-/liturgical-colors-in-the-church and from here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://stnicholasoca.org/.../Why-Do-We-Do-That...
💡In my attempt to distinguish between Orthodox churches and "Western" churches, I sometimes call them "catholic" tradition. This is little "c" catholic, which means "universal", NOT big "C" Catholic which is used to references THE Catholic Church.
#crunchychristian #WalkLikeLions #liturgicalcolors #liturgy

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