11 months ago

Our listener asks, "Would simply like to know about predestination, I've heard a lot about that, and it's taken away my hope. I know Jesus is Lord but I even struggle if I even believe in Him or not, not that He is Lord I know He is, but that I even believed correctly to be saved. There is nothing more hopeful to me then knowing I could see Jesus face to face and Id cry on my knees just thinking that because I'm horribly disobedient, but it's hard to even try to be obedient when life seems so pointless. I've heard so many doctrines. It all confuses me, the only time I ever had peace was when I was heavily reading my Bible, not because of works but because something about His word does something I can't explain in my life. Jesus isn't here personally but His word is like a food that provides me with hope and strength even if I don't understand everything I read perfectly. I had a pastor tell me because of my continuous sin that God is handing me over to what I want "sin". It killed me completely, now I think I'm just controlled by evil with no hope. I just don't know what to do. Because I don't want to die in sin but how am I supposed to say no if I'm not chosen or picked. I know I'm a sinner but I'm hopeless."

"Hey Ryan,
Here is a helpful illustration about predestination. Imagine you are in the market for a plane ticket. You scan the available flights and find one that is going to Tampa. You purchase the ticket, go to the airport, and redeem your seat on the plane with the ticket. Once you board the flight it travels to Tampa. Predestination works the same way. Heaven is the destination, not the reward. Everyone who wants to go the Heaven must believe on Jesus Christ as the Son of God Who shed His blood, was buried, and rose again to pay for all their sins. Belief secures your ticket to the destination. God predetermined that anyone who believed on His Son would go to Heaven. Belief is the ticket. The destination does not change because it is guaranteed by the ticket, which is belief on Jesus. You cannot change the destination that God has already decided for all those who would believe.
Sin is always going to be a problem, Ryan. Galatians 5 tells us that our flesh and spirit war against each other. Paul said he constantly dealt with his sin nature. Ultimate victory over sin will be achieved when we are freed from this body and united with the Lord Jesus. 1 John 3:1-2 is very encouraging about that day… Victory over sin in this life is easy to do but often times complicated because of our sin nature. When you are tempted to sin go to God in prayer and ask for help. Then, apply Scripture to your struggle. This is how Jesus rebuked the temptations of Satan. Commit yourself to know the word of God well enough to lean on it. Talk to God about your temptations and then know what He has already said in His Word.
I am praying this helps. God bless."

HOW TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE : https://youtu.be/t_6L7E_mfIw

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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#predestination #hopeless #calvinism #bibleline #qna #listener #response #email #truth #pastorjesse #pastorresponse #salvation #tulip #johnmacarthur #sproul #paulwasher

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