Electromagnetic vs. Scalar Energy

6 months ago

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There are two energies in the universe: electromagnetic energy and scaler energy. Many people have theorized that scaler energy exists and have given various names to this, such as chi, orgone energy, life force, tachyon energy, Om, logoital plasma, Creative Strength, Prana, etc. In retrospect, these terms alluded to scaler energy which originates from the Sun in our solar system and the stars of the universe. Scaler energy is a divine light that is one of the infinite attributes of God the Creator.

Electromagnetic energy and scaler energy have different properties and thus behave differently. For example, electromagnetic energy experiences entropy and attenuates over distance, whereas scaler energy does not experience entropy as its signal never attenuates. Electromagnetic energy is Hertzian in nature and is a transverse wave, whereas scaler energy is non-Hertzian in the heart and longitudinal wave. An electromagnetic wave propagates in a direction that is orientated at right angles to the vibrations of both the electric and magnetic oscillating field vectors and assumes the form of a sine wave. A scaler wave pre-exists between two points and assumes a Phi spiral, the double helix.

Scaler energy assembles and disassembles matter in the universe. Without scaler energy, the universe would be in a state of chaos, devoid of order and geometry. Ether is the fundamental, physical component that the physical universe comprises and is responsible for the formation of protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, elements, molecules, plants, animals, humans, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. Succinctly, scaler energy acts upon the ether to assemble or disassemble the physical forms of the universe. Thus, scaler energy is an intelligent energy that instructs ether how to assume a specific geometry, thereby giving order to the universe.

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