Vatican Changed & Deleted True Teachings of Jesus – Melissa Tittl

11 months ago

Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul interviews filmaker Melissa Tittl about her views of Jesus, his teachings and how they may have been manipulated and even deleted, that can be found at 52:40 mark. But there is so much more in this one as highlighted in the summary below.

I was going to just make a 10 minute clip on this video, but I found the other part of the discussion very interesting and everything ties together.


INTRO: Jesus was Jewish, so obviously Christianity was an idea that came later on. His teachers were about being joyful, sound, frequencies, manifestation and creation.

The early sect were called the Gnostics and you have the Apostles which go off and teach about Jesus, that later becomes Christianity.

Melissa talks about the fall of Atlantis that resulted in them turning corrupt and misusing their technologies. This led to lower dimensional beings enter the realm of reality as they feed off of negative energies.

She references the book called: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean – based on The Emerald Tablets found at the Pyramid. Troth was the author. Troth was the Atlantean Priest or King of Atlantis. This goes back 36,000 years. Dr. Michael Doreal translated – you can download a free pdf here →

Troth creates this grid system relating to the Pyramids which cuts off access to the lower dimensional beings.

It was back then that we lost touch with how the Universe works and the true potentiality of humans.

History seems to repeat. There seems to be a 26,000 year cycle in which things change and start over. It is like if we don’t evolve and raise our consciousness / frequencies high enough at the end of this cycle we have to start over again.

But from all my sources I believe we are are going to break this cycle this time. I truly believe that. We first need to wake up and just learn the true history, learn how it was manipulated by greedy corrupt low vibrational humans and begin fixing this problem.

I believe that we will ascend and that we are beginning to wake up and raise our consciousness.

Ancient Monuments have been left behind to test weathers of time. These are the proof that we had much higher technological civilizations. I.E. Gobekli Tepe & the Pyramids.

These monuments hold great secrets and codes, like Mathematical equations and Geometry secrets.

The Golden Mean – is like the halfway point, the middle or the center between two Extremes. It is like the sweet spot of a baseball bat. The Null Point. The center point of yin and yang.

Ancient Civilizations were obsessed with Astrology, the alignment of the stars, the Equinox’s – Why is that? Could they have known more that we know? Did they have contact?

The Summerians – They set the structure for our current financial system. They were the first to create a civilization that had rules and regulations. *Note: this goes back 10 to 11,000 years ago. They were very detailed in recording what they did. They wrote the script for the laws, regulations and how to set up an organized civilization. The spirituality side was the Anunnaki – it is in their tablets. They said that the Anunnaki had something to do with creating the human race. The story of Enki and Enlil, An, Anu, Enu, Marduk.

Enki was the Serpent one who tempted Eve to eat the Apple in the Garden of Eden.

An was Enki’s father.

Naama was Enki’s mother.

They brought “Magic” to the planet.

Marduk was the son of Enki and Ninhursag.

They were all referred to as Gods and Goddesses. Like God Wisdom. Goddess of Fertility and Motherhood.

Enlil – Enki’s brother was about being a Warlord and keeping humans in a slave system.


Jesus was Jewish, not “Christian.” The teachings were about being outside the system, thinking outside the box, translating God, and creation and manifesting.

When going back to Jesus, we have to know who the Gnostics were.

The Gnostic’s were an early sect of Christianity. But then you have the Apostles which teach about Jesus and that becomes Christianity we know today.

The gnostics held the true vision of Jesus and what his teachings were really about. The gnostics did not believe there was an Angry God who would punish someone by torturing them to be burned in fire for eternity if they didn’t do what God said was “right”.

The Gnostic’s believed in living in Joy, Peace and Harmony.

There Gnostics were thrown out by the powers who ran the world just as Homeopathy and Naturopathy was thrown out in favor of Allopathic Medicine in the early 1900’s.

Christianity to a completely different direction in which it created a whole new order of fear, destruction and God curse you for eternity if you don’t follow the rules.

During this time, the Knight’s Templar – who were creating their own version of “Christianity” felt threatened by the Gnostic Christians.

What did they do? They gathered them up and BURNED them all at the stake.

The Knights Templar’s stole their knowledge, and hid it away for themselves. They hid scrolls all over.

Jesus was about living the state of NOW and living with passion, joy and peace.

The Knight’s Templar “Christians” are the “Fake Christians” which is what Christianity today is based on.

The Gnostic Teachings have been kept very secret. Some say the gnostics were founded by Mary Magdala. There is a lot of debate on the Gnostics.

This was after the Council of Nicaea.

The Bible was put together by Emperor Constantine in The First Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325 & Canonized by The Third Council of Carthage in A.D. 397.

Constantine and the Catholic Church was founded on Paganism.

The Ethiopian Bible appeared in A.D. 497 with 88 Books.

The Geneva Bible came out in A.D. 1560 & had 80 Books.

Then after publishing a book on Demonology, King James had Sir Francis Bacon (both Masons) in A.D. 1611, edit the Bible down to 66 Books.

The Roman Catholic Church claims it was all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but considering the FACT that they are SELF-ANOINTED and the 'CATHOLIC' means 'UNIVERSAL' in Latin, you might want to read the other 54 Books and exercise your God given Agency to Discern for yourself.

In my personal opinion, I believe Religion was created to control the masses. People who just believe what they are told without doing research are the easiest to brainwash. When you are told lies from birth, you will never realize they are lies until you step out of the box.

A quote from Pope Innocent II (1130 -- 1143) - “This Religion thing is working out well for us”

A lot of the true knowledge of the Gnostics may be hidden in the Vatican.

Melissa has a movie called “Code 12” which is about the simulation theory, are we living in a simulation and is their a Universal CODE to get out of the simulation?

It is about the Ancients knew how to get out of this 26,500 year cycle and they left codes – a way to get out of the matrix like structure. It deals with Universal Law – which is how the universe really functions and it is about tuning your body to optimal frequencies.

Alex Ferrari always concludes with the same questions:

1. What is your definition as living a fulfilled life? Being joyful, being connected to loved ones, having great relationships.

2. If you could go back in time and speak to little Melissa, what would you tell her? It’s all True. Everything you feel is true, just keep going and have no doubts.

3. How would you define God or Source? Eternal Universal Energy of Creation.

4. What is Love? Everything.

5. What is the ultimate purpose of life? LOVE.

About Melissa Tittl:
Melissa Tittl is a multifaceted creative force whose works span the realms of film, television, writing, and holistic wellness. With a diverse background that includes producing, directing, and writing.

Melissa brings a unique blend of artistic vision and spiritual insight to her projects.

As a filmmaker – “Code 12”, Melissa has crafted compelling narratives that delve into the human experience, often exploring themes of personal growth, transformation, and the interconnectedness of all things. Her storytelling prowess is evident in her ability to weave together captivating narratives that resonate deeply with audiences.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
1:36 - Melissa's background
7:21 - Are we moving to a higher state of consciousness?
17:37 - The information left behind
24:28 - Ancient civilizations' obsession with the sky and their use of frequency.
34:54 - Ancient civilizations and their mysterious structures.
42:11 - The Summerians
52:14 - Who are the Gnostics?
52:40 – Jesus & Gnostics
1:01:15 - The film Code 12
1:03:55 - Living a fulfilled life
1:04:12 - Advice to young Melissa
1:04:29 - What is love?
1:04:33 - Ultimate purpose of life
1:04:37 - Melissa's work
1:05:06 - Final Message

If you liked this – you will definitely like this one. One of the very BEST pieces of Research on the Bible and Religions you will find → ******Gary Wayne – The Nephilim, Fairy & Dragon Royal Bloodlines and the NWO’s End of Times Objective




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END. 3/13/2024.

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