How To Protect Yourself From The COVID-19 Vaccine

11 months ago

A 12m9s video.

Save yourself and your loved ones from the deadly and terminal effects of the whackyvacky.

This is that we all need to take/do:

..... 1) Nattokinase (2000 mg, twice a day to start, increase from there)
..... 2) Bromelaine ( a day)
..... 3) Curcumin (500 mg twice a day)
..... 4) Hyperbaric treatment, 6-40 sessions (I'm just going to do the Wim Hoff thing, I pay $6.99/month for the app and I believe it to me comparable treatment)
..... 5) One other thing, I can't remember what he said ... I'll have to watch it again, I guess, or just wait and maybe it will come to mind.

The danger zone for those of us who took the whackyvacky is 5-15 years. The spike proteins in the whacky damage every organ in the body, including the brain (strokes) and heart (heart attacks). Kidney and liver failure, auto-immune disorders, blindness, deafness, the list goes on.

4-7% of the people who got the whackyvacky got the bad stuff. Most people just got saline solution, or maybe vitamin B12 (the B12 is my own theory ... that's what I would do if I were an evil medical industrialist ... make some people feel energized and healthy so they'll run around telling their friends how good the shot makes them feel).

But we ALL need to practice treatment, since anyone who got the shots sheds the contaminants through their skin and breath.

#whackyvacky #covid19 #saveyourself #vaccinedamage #vaccineremedy

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