World's Most RIDICULOUS Covid Mask

7 months ago

Until now I thought that the most RIDICULOUS Covid mask worn by a public figure was the Darth Vader double mask rig worn by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. However, it seems I will now have to revise that assessment due to the picture in this video which serves to reveal the inner Dork of its wearer, Naheed Nenshi, the former mayor of Calgary who is now running to become the leader of the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP). For those of you not living in Canada or down here in Baja Canada aka South Florida (now home to the best known Canadian blogger, VivaFrei) the NDP is a far left political party which is pretty much like the Liberal party up there but instead of trying to hide their Commie corruption like the Liberals, the NDP are openly proud of their corruption. Just think of the NDP as Liberals with bling-bling that they openly display. And if you think I'm exaggerating then I suggest you read about the clown leader of the NDP in all of Canada.

Anyway, once you see the laughably Dorky photo of Nenshi in his Covid mask, you can never unsee it. Destined to become a Web meme? We shall see.

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