Catherine Engelbrecht - Matt Buff Show - True the Vote

10 months ago

Catherine Engelbrecht started started True the Vote in 2009; a citizen led effort to restore honor and integrity to our electoral system. True the Vote educates voters, researches the veracity of voter registries, trains and mobilizes volunteers to work in polling places, and advocates for comprehensive election code reform legislation

How Many States Are You Registered to Vote In And Don't Know About it?

Scan. Check. Protect.

1. Scan: Scan the QR code above or click the link below to visit the website.
2. Check: Make sure you are registered and your record is active and correct.
3. Protect: If you've previously been registered to vote in any other state, click on that state to check their voter registration database. If you're still registered, follow the steps to remove yourself from the rolls.
BIO: Catherine Engelbrecht started started True the Vote in 2009; a citizen led effort to restore honor and integrity to our electoral system. True the Vote educates voters, researches the veracity of voter registries, trains and mobilizes volunteers to work in polling places, and advocates for comprehensive election code reform legislation.

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