Unforgettable Moments from March 12 in History

1 year ago

1664 New Jersey becomes an English colony
1755 1st steam engine in America installed, to pump water from a mine
1773 Jeanne Baptiste Pointe de Sable found settlement now known as Chicago
1850 1st US $20 gold piece issued
1868 US Congress abolishes manufacturer's tax
1884 Mississippi establishes 1st US state college for women
1894 Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time in a candy store in Vicksburg, Mississippi
1912 Girl Scouts begin in the US as the Girl Guides, formed by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah
1917 A German submarine sinks an unarmed US merchant ship, the 'Algonquin' on the same day that US President Woodrow Wilson gives executive order to arm US merchant ships
1933 FDR conducts his 1st "fireside chat" as US President via radio, speaking directly to 60 million listening Americans, eight days after his inauguration
1947 US President Harry Truman introduces the Truman Doctrine to fight communism
1951 Comic strip "Dennis the Menace," 1st appears in the British comic magazine The Beano’
1959 US House joins Senate approving Hawaii statehood
1970 US lowers voting age from 21 to 18
2003 Elizabeth Smart found after having been missing for 9 months.
2007 22nd Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees: Van Halen
2008 Streaming service Hulu launches for public access in the United States
2011 A reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant melts and explodes and releases radioactivity into the atmosphere a day after Japan's earthquake.
2019 Dozens charged in US college admission scandal by US federal prosecutors, including actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman
2021 Researchers say world has likely reached 'peak twin' with more twin births than ever before - 1.6 million twins born per year (1 in 42)

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