He's the Reason You Are Alive - Vote Donny Rotten Bacon for Congress in Nebraska

11 months ago

Were you alive during the Pandemic?

And, are you alive today?

Then vote Donny Rotten Bacon.

He was playing Congresstard from Nebraska during the Pandemic and the reason you are alive is because of is Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, and Forced Vaccinations.

So, if you are alive today, it's time to show your thanks to the phony dishonorable traitor who saved your from the covid virus.

Remember, vote Donny Rotten Bacon because. he’s the reason you are alive.

#donbacon #nebraska #election #nebraskaelection #alive #donnyrotten #donnyrottenbacon #teambacon #nebraskaelection2024 #votenebraska #nebraskavote #senator #senaterace #visitnebraska #wedontdcoast #givingtuesday402 #idiot #loser #phony #terrible #worstever #moron #cheap #trick #stupid #fraud #jokes #joke #pete #ricketts #scumbag #whitetrash

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