Historical Events 2024

9 months ago

I Found this video and I just has to upload it.

Who ever created it is absolutely magic.

We The People Hold The POWER & The Gallows.

This is going to be Biblical and you will never ever put your trust in someone's hands ever ever again.

You are the existence of this world and without you & me there isn't a world. We all make the world go round as 1.

This plan is to help save the souls on earth and get rid of those with twisted minds of corruption that see no more then selfishness and Greed and negativety.

This is a huge test for mankind. Epic.

Our law is Land Air Water.
To break law their has to be a victim.
No victim, No Crime. The rest is an illusion of power money and fear. Hiding behind dead buildings and corporation names. Fact. Money Laundering comes to mind.

Legal = Fiction = Birth Certificate = Name = Infinity Game = Act = Job = Corporation = Ego = Contract = Consent = Get Paid = No matter the Out Come.

Law = Common = Sense = Ground = Respect = Together = Land = Air = Water = Victim = Conspire = False Allegations = Obstructing = Free Man = Free Speech

Anyone Seen conspiring or acting or make false allegation or if anyone is obstructing you concealing evidence against you then this under the law is perverting the course of justice under common.

So anyone working under a legal statue or system is potentially illegal Under The Law, buy just following orders. Just doing your job doesn't protect you from the law.

Reason being is everyone in some way are conspiring against you or your name when really your just a living man living and now everything around you is conspiring or making false allegations to get your money.

So when we get past anyone holds power over us and use our law we be how to stand together due to understanding how law works and getting rid of the system cage that built around us.

Research Is Knowledge, Knowledge Is Power.

Individual Power Strength In Numbers.
Together We Are Stronger, Divided We Fall, Wwg1Wga

Learn the lies. Learn the law. Set yourself free and have equal balance.


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