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11 months ago

Subscribe to my channel fernballan

Totalitarian Russia.

1. Presidential elections are held
2. Parliamentary elections are held.
3. Elections to local authorities are held.
4. You can safely leave the country
5. Volunteers are recruited into the army.
6. There are parties opposing the war
7. No religious persecution.
8. There is no persecution based on language.
9. The activities of neo-Nazi organizations are prohibited.
10.The activities of socialist and communist organizations are permitted.

Democratic Ukraine.

1. Presidential elections are not held
2. Parliamentary elections are not held.
3. Elections to local authorities are not held.
4. You cannot safely leave the country.
5. Random people on the street are forcibly seized into the army.
6. There are no parties opposing the war.
7. People are persecuted for their religion.
8. People are persecuted based on their language.
9. The activities of neo-Nazi organizations are permitted and supported.
10.The activities of socialist and communist organizations are prohibited.

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