( -0639 ) Does Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato's Testimony Help Trump Re J6 Charges? (with Miller's, Millie's & Patel's Corroboration)

7 months ago

This came by way of Congressional Representative (11th District of GA) Barry Loudermilk & Federalist Chief Editor Mollie Hemingway. If you hate Trump you may not like it, but why hide evidence? Is the Media Helping the J6 Committee Falsify the Story of What Happened on J6? Is Ornato's Testimony Proof that Trump Couldn't Have Committed An Insurrection? What Do You Think ?

(Meanwhile, did Trump's speech rile up the crowd that penetrated into the Capitol? Interesting that the ellipse is a very long "peace & patriotic" march to the Capitol premises. It probably takes about 40 minutes to hike from the ellipse to the Capitol building. Why would he rile up a crowd and get them to trespass into the hallowed halls of our democratic governing institutions, but from such a long distance away that the rioters (I mean the insurrectionists) would be all Tucker'd and risk being too late to successfully halt the proceedings? Interesting to ponder this.

Steven Sund
Chris Miller
Kash Patel
Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato
Mark Meadows?
General Millie
Barry Loudermilk
Mollie Hemingway

Also Biden and Schumer flip flopping on immigration.

EU and Rothschild Setups, Ancient and Modern Property Frauds, Dana Carvey, and Phil Collins.

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