Christine Larsen Rehak Story - A FormerFedsGroup Interview

11 months ago

On 8/28/2020 I was feeling amazing, went to have a mandatory COVID test before a simple surgery.  The test was traumatic.  There’s a was a man in a full hazmat suit standing in what looked like an enclosed phone booth, with his arms sticking out plastic shoots, and he told me to stand on the dots in front and stand still while he put that long q-tip up my nose (on the side I have a deviated septum) and he twisted it and counted to 10 and he punctured the lining of my brain.  I knew something was terribly wrong right away, but I had no idea you could even leak brain fluid, so I brushed it off.  I began having severe anxiety and cognitive issues and I felt like I was dying from something so I started going to doctor after doctor telling them I felt like my life force was slipping out of me and that I was dying. Learn more about this story and others like it at

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