The 1st Book of AḎAM & ḤAWWAH / Adam & Eve 24 - I Read My Scriptures! ❤️ 📖

1 year ago

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Today's Reading:
1 Then the merciful Elohim, who is good and a lover of men, looked at Aḏam and Ḥawwah and at their blood, which they had held up as an offering to Him without an order from Him for so doing. But He wondered at them and accepted their offering.

2 And Elohim sent from His presence a bright fire that consumed their offering.

3 He smelled the sweet savor of their offering and showed them mercy.

4 Then the Word of Elohim came to Aḏam, and said to him, “O Aḏam, as you have shed your blood so will my Bĕn shed His own blood when He becomes flesh of your descendants. And as you died, O Aḏam, so also will He die. And as you built an altar, so also will I make for you an altar of the earth. And as you offered your blood on it, so also will I offer My Bĕn’s blood on an altar on the earth.

5 And as you appealed for forgiveness through that blood, so also will I make His blood forgiveness of sins and erase transgressions in it.

6 And now, behold, I have accepted your offering, O Aḏam, but the days of the Covenant in which I have bound you are not fulfilled. When they are fulfilled, then will I bring you back into the garden.

7 Now, therefore, strengthen your heart. And when sorrow comes over you make Me an offering and I will be favorable to you.”

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