The Divine Masculine Quest: Trusting In YOU!

6 months ago


As I was uploading video I felt " Man Hunt"- if you feel you are being spiritually " hunted" it means it is time for your masculinity to move more into his spiritual EMPOWERMENT! It could be a certain feminine frequency that is "hunting" you, and I would highly recommend to go watch my Succubus Video and also Life Force Harvestation of Your Masculinity.
When we begin to have these experiences, it means The Cosmos has deemed that it is time for you to move into a "rite of passage" into more of your Divine Masculine Spiritual Maturity- when this begins to happen for a man on the spiritual quest - he is most likely feeling the call of his future wife- and thus must traverse the demons and distractions "stopping" him from becoming Divine in his masculinity! Lower Realm feminine energy devoid of "spirit" serves as an "initiation" for a man and his Spiritual Discernment!
Videos linked below:

Demonic Feminine Energy and Masculine Harvestation:

Spirit Insight for Men: Masculine Potency, Life Force and discerning Feminine Energy:

Meditation Shop:

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To stay up to date with me and my services or book a session ( website coming soon) :

Bailey is a clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Realms.
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

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