The News Benders 1968 - Fake News Prediction Or Revealing The Truth?

10 months ago

The News-Benders: Today's Scripted Realities Unveiled

G'day Time-Travelling Punters,

Let's hop into the time capsule and zoom back to January 10, 1968. Picture this: BBC4's Thirty-Minute Theatre, still clinging to the heartbeat of live drama. "The News-Benders" steps into the spotlight, one of the last warriors refusing to succumb to the ease of pre-recording.

Rudolph Cartier, the maestro, orchestrates this masterpiece - a two-hander waltzing between a handful of sets. Cartier's direction? Like a finely crafted Aussie Shiraz — smooth and stylish.

Enter Desmond Lowden, the script sorcerer. It's part Nostradamus, part Orwell cranked up on Vegemite sandwiches. The predicted moon landing date might be a tad off, but the audacity to foreshadow moon landing conspiracy theories? Bloody brilliant! Who knew we'd be debating moon landings in a Hollywood basement or hangar?

But hold onto your Akubras, there's more. "The News-Benders" not only saw the rise of global media moguls but predicted the snoopy surveillance culture we're tangled up in today. Move aside, Orwell, because JG spills the beans about a 'Ministry of Morality.' Shades of Orwell's ministries, but with a '68 twist. Forget overt oppression; in Lowden's crystal ball, control happens invisibly through MSM manipulation.

Now, let's fast-forward to today. Vietnam was transitioning into the first 'television war,' and folks were just starting to grapple with the TV's influence in politics and beyond. Lowden's crystal ball-gazing? Sharp as a kangaroo's kick. Cut to today, where media manipulation is practically a global sport, and certain news services flex their political muscles like they're training for a heavyweight title.

But here's the kicker, mates. "The News-Benders" spills the beans on how 'THEY' have been pulling the strings since the TV and mass media strolled into town. Fake news, faux space travel, wars, radiation scares—it's like a playbook for global-scale trickery.

Now, here's the punchline. This isn't just a stroll down memory lane; it's a revelation about today's world of misinformation. Truth is the rare Dragon Egg (a nod to the kids who played/play Minecraft), we're all searching for in the tall grass of fake news.

So, grab your Tim Tams, sit back, and let's rewind to '68. "The News-Benders" didn't just predict; it nailed the script of today's manufactured realities and fake news circus orchestrated by the MSM.

Stay awake, Legends,

Senator Papahatziharalambrous (Not a real senator, unfortunately).

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