She Doesn't Love You, Only What You Can Do For Her - MGTOW

11 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adrian and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, an old guy going his own way here. When was in my thirties and dating in the early Two-thousands, I noticed that my girlfriend’s motivation for being in a relationship was different from my own. I was always so excited about the woman I was dating. I thought to myself: She is so cool, so smart, so interesting and we are so great together. I want to start on a journey through life with her. I want to achieve my personal and professional goals for her! As the relationship progressed I noticed that my girlfriend, and her single female friends, also had goals, short and medium term goals. They wanted a higher standard of living, a nicer apartment or their own house. They wanted to go back to school to study for a different career, or they dreamed of starting their own business, like an interior decorating business. They wanted a white wedding, and had planned all the details already in their mind. And they wanted two point four children. But unlike me and my guy friends, these women could not achieve their goals by themselves. They were all looking for a man to bankroll their goals, and for financial and emotional support. I could not help feeling that for my girlfriends, the purpose of being in a relationship with me was to find out if was going to support them while they pursued their goals. This turned me off somewhat. I felt that I was interchangeable, and that the girl was not with me for me, for who I was. It felt like she was dating me for what I might be able to provide. This was one of the reasons I decided each time that I did not want a long time relationship with the women in question. Years later I listened to red pill content such as this channel and learned that this is fairly typical for women. Maybe younger men can learn from my experience. Your mystery link could be this excellent two part video interview with Orion Taraban, entitled “Psychologist's Thoughts On Love and Marriage”. He confirmed all of what I mentioned above." Well Adrian thanks for the donation and topic. I put the mystery link you sent me in the description. It's excellent. The psychologist Sam Vaknin spoke about this a while back to with regards to women becoming more narcissistic than ever. A narcissist uses others without providing anything in return. Orion says that the women that are successful at attaining and more important keeping the man is not simply to ride on his coat tails but to make his life easier by helping him move forward in life and making herself vital to his success. My first serious girlfriend told me that the best advice one of her female friends had for other women was to find a man and ride along on his coat tails. I just didn't understand that she was really talking about me. Because I was too much in love. But far too often these days love for men it ends up being like the tail of the scorpion and the frog. You're the frog swimming across a river of life trying to carry both of you you to a better place and you're carrying her the scorpion on your back to the other side and the scorpion stings you mid stream and you ask it why and she says because it's in my nature.

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