April 8 2024, Total Solar Eclipse

10 months ago

The path of the eclipse will run through the town JONAH, Texas through RAPTURE, Indiana and end at NINEVEH, Indiana.

Keep these 3x names in mind

now let's go to the Bible

NINEVEH is notable in the Bible as the capital city of Assyria, located in what is now modern Iraq, Nineveh is mentioned in Scripture as a place that turned away from sin through a warning by God, but which was later DESTROYED.

NINEVEH is well-known as the place where the prophet JONAH was sent by God to preach (Jonah 1:2).

JONAH was reluctant to go, probably because of the Assyrians’ great wickedness, and he tried to run from the Lord’s command.

God intercepted JONAH and sent him to the Ninevites by making a GREAT FISH swallow him (Jonah 1:3, 17).

The Eclipse on the 8th April will be happening under the Constellation of CETUS, means WHALE.

Remember the bible passage above where JONAH is swallowed by a GREAT FISH

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