Wind in the Willows — 03

11 months ago

Excerpt Three from 'Wind in the Willows', the one-man show adapted and performed by Abdiel LeRoy.

Mole meets Rat, who introduces him to the joys of life on the River and of "messing about in boats."

Published in 1908 by Scottish author, Kenneth Grahame, this story involves four main characters — Mole, Rat, Badger, and Toad — whose friendship is tested when Toad faces the British judicial system. You will also meet quarelling rabbits, thieving weasels, and carolling fieldmice. Grahame wrote 'Wind in the Willows' for his only son, Alastair, and it has been a timeless classic ever since.

To date, Abdiel has performed this show in the uSA, China, and now Costa Rica.

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