The True Power Of Bill Gates-NOW THE END BEGINS-MARCH 11 2024

11 months ago

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we bring you a shocking story made all the more so by the fact that this information comes to us from a Far Left news outlet. Whatever you think you know about Bill Gates masterplan for world domination is about to get a major upgrade. Today we will show you how Bill Gates and the outlets he has funded have been laboring for decades to implement his dystopian eugenics agenda, and how the manufactured COVID crisis in 2020 was the exactly the opening he needed. The COVID crisis established Bill Gates as the de facto authority who decides how pandemics will be fought in the future. Do you find it a comforting thought that medicines like Paxlovid, Remdesivir, and the COVID shots and boosters, given to you by your doctor actually come from organizations financed and controlled by Bill Gates? Not only that, but every major world government, including the World Health Organization and the United Nations, have already ceded control to these 4 groups created by Bill Gates, and we will prove that today. If you fail to grasp what this Podcast will show you, you will be fatally unprepared when the next pandemic arrives, and it's coming sooner than you think.

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