So, The Purge? Didn't Have Pittsburgh Giving Criminals The Go-Ahead On My Bingo Card But Here We Are

6 months ago

So, The Purge?! I Didn't Have Pittsburgh Giving Criminals the GO-AHEAD on My Bingo Card BUUUT Here We Are: I love horror movies. It's true. If you follow me on Twitter you know that I spend a good bit of time watching this genre and talking about it. To be fair, there have only been a handful of movies that I've watched over the years that scared or stayed with me. 'The Exorcist' from 1973, some ridiculous movie called, 'Night of the Demons', from the 80's (you can laugh, but it's freaking scary), and of course, 'The Purge.' I'm not including every scary movie that scared me BUT if you'd like me to write a VIP piece about scary movies leave me a note below. Yup, 'The Purge' and all of its sequels (and even the TV show) scared me. The idea of a night when there is no law, no police, no protection ... when criminals can get away with anything they want, scares me. Stays with me, even. So seeing this out of Pittsburgh really bothers me. Hey, they wanted to defund the police, right?

Pittsburgh police will no longer respond to certain calls including theft, harassment, criminal mischief, and burglary alarms. Between 3AM-7AM there will be no officers at any police stations. Buy guns. Buy ammo. The police will not protect you. -- This is insane to me. Forget that you never want to have any hour of any day without police presence (especially in a city like Pittsburgh) but then to announce it so every freaking criminal on the planet knows there will be nobody to help these citizens for four hours EVERY DAY? Holy crap. If you guys live in a blue city you should get out if and when you can. Clearly. John Hawkins @johnhawkinsrwn: “Liberals: You don't need guns! The police will protect you! - Also liberals: Defund the police!” -- Don't worry, I'm sure a bunch of social workers will show up and save people from criminals from 3-7 a.m. every day. Totally.

Jim Hanson @JimHansonDC: “It used to be 'When you need help immediately the police are minutes away'… Now - When you need help immediately… Help yourself… Buy guns & ammo & train.” -- Buy guns and ammo. Train. Jim's right. -- Julia 🇺🇸 @Jules31415: “My PA city is the same way. I made a call and learned the hard way that I no longer had a full-time police force and if I needed help during certain hours, it would have to come from the state police 45 minutes away—and they would only respond to certain calls. Even if people were breaking the law. Don’t rely on anyone to save you. Always be prepared.” -- Scary stuff. -- GeroDoc @doc_gero: “Nightly Purge!” -- Biden's America.

PJ Media: 'The Purge' Comes to Pittsburgh

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