"Bellamy Bridge" in Marianna, Florida dating back to the 1840's

11 months ago

The 25 years leading up to the Civil War, a five-county region of North Florida grew into a virtual barony of plantations and farms that echoed the wealthiest precincts of the Old South cotton kingdom. As this story tells of some wealthy "Whites", it ends in tragedy and today it is a famous "Ghost story". Every country has its share of superstitions and Florida is no exception. The strange tale of the Ghost of Bellamy Bridge has been called “Florida’s best-known ghost story.” The legend centers around Elizabeth Jane Croom Bellamy, a young woman who died nearby in 1837. Her restless spirit is said to appear at and around Bellamy Bridge. The story gets worse as even Samuel Bellamy takes his own life over "desiring to be with her", these superstitions are truly Satanic and one can see it with so much death and deception. Like God's word tells us. John 8:44 "....He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies."
None the less, many people today are fascinated with this "Ghost story" about Elizabeth Bellamy's "ghost sightings" around the Bellamy Bridge. As my videos will show, the flood waters kept me from reaching the old bridge. Marianna, Florida 3/11/24 www.mefoundation.world

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