Trusting in the Spirit’s Power | Galatians 3:5

10 months ago

Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith. — Galatians 3:5

CALL OUT: Call out to Don Parker from Smithfield, RI, who is taking some men through our book Called To Act. I am excited for you and your men, and make sure they take that 35-Day Challenge!

With each one of these questions here, you can almost feel Paul's intensity building. His question could be reduced to five simple words: "What more do you want?" God gave you everything. He created you in his image. He formed you with his hands. He gave you his Son. He sent his Spirit. He sustains you and supplies you with miracles as proof of his working through you, and now you return to thinking there is still more to do.

This verse reminds me of that moment in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, where the father addresses the older son, who is bitterly angry that his father has killed the prize calf for his wayward brother, who has returned. Then the father declares to him: "Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found" (Luke 15:31-32).

In fact, Jesus's point with this parable is precisely the same as Paul's to the Galatians. Everything gained in our spiritual life is distributed by God's grace and gained by faith. We can come into the Father's house and enjoy it, but we cannot stand outside and do anything to earn it.

But this verse points out the confusion that many believers have regarding the nature, work, and power of the Spirit that indwells them. Most believers, like the Galatians, the Judaizers, and even the older son, assume that the spiritual life is merely a new start at life accomplished by a new natural strength. And it's not. It's a whole new life. The old is dead. We are now sustained by a whole new nature, a new identity, and a new power working through us — the very Spirit of God that formed the earth and raised Jesus from the dead.

Many believers fail to grasp this. They revert to old programming and old patterns from their old life, giving a fresh attempt at moral fortitude and good works, only to eventually fail and be disappointed. They repeat these cycles and never discover the nature, work, and power of the Spirit. This is what Paul is concerned about for the Galatians. They are falling for the old pattern of living by the flesh rather than learning to walk by the Spirit (which he will unfold in great detail in Galatians 5).

For now, know this. The life you live in the flesh is one you live by faith in the Son of God, who also gave you a Spirit to sustain you. So stop relying on the good works of your flesh. Learn to trust in the Spirit that indwells you and the great works he wants to do through you.

God, I pray that every believer listening today will learn to trust in the Holy Spirit that you supplied to them and sustains them. Show them how to walk obediently in faith by the Spirit, and may all their good works be only the great work of the Spirit through them. Amen.

#FaithVsWorks #SpiritualPower #GraceOverLaw #WalkingByFaith #HolySpiritSustains


How can you actively shift from relying on your own efforts to trusting in the Holy Spirit's power to sustain you in your daily life?
Reflecting on your recent actions and decisions, how might relying on the Spirit's guidance have led to different outcomes or perspectives?
DO THIS: Ask God to reveal his Spirit through you.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to relinquish my reliance on my own efforts and instead trust fully in the sustaining power of your Holy Spirit within me. Guide me to walk obediently in faith, letting your Spirit work through me to accomplish your will. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Holy Spirit.

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