CCP develops "mind-reading AI" to gauge loyalty, brain-control weapons for military

7 months ago

3/7/2024 [Growing Stakes: The Bioeconomy and American National Security] Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi: The CCP has not only developed a "mind-reading AI" that can measure the loyalty of CCP members, but also developed brain-control weapons for military purposes. It's frightening!
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
3/7/2024【日益增长的威胁: 生物经济与美国国家安全】国会议员拉贾·克里希那莫提:中共不但研发出了可测量中共党员忠诚度的“读心人工智能”,而且也开发出了用于军事目的的脑控武器,令人恐惧!
#中共 #消灭中共

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