9 months ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today #SpiritualWisdom▪︎
As your #CONSCIOUSNESS becomes more awakened..Values you once held as a priority..seems to fade away slowly within your most intimate desires..The veil of what is important and valued to your #SPIRIT is being revealed..Dormant and suppressed memories comes to the surface of your thoughts..
requiring attention to the completion of closer and #FORGIVENESS..You must face these challenges of unpleasantries and frustrations..
Directing your focus on overcoming your fears of the past..present..future..endeavors..
Finding the core of LOVE and COMPASSION..
you have suppressed and ignored for most of your existence..EMBRACING your higher level of AWARENESS with the reality and distracting ILLUSIONS of the surrounding influence..
The INNERWORK is extremely difficult in clearing the clutter of ACCOUNTABILITY and DECISIONS of wrongdoings..sinful actions
and untrustworthy behavior..Once implemented immediately..Clarity fills the heart..consciousness..and spirit..with #AWARENESS towards #ENLIGHTENMENT
Without it..You are compromised to the rules..manipulation..and control of the ELITE'S Governed systems (MATRIX)..
Keep P E A C E in your heart..Go with #God and move forward with #PositiveOptimism #MuchLove Humans▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯 Like..Follow..Subscribe and Comment :

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