How to Make Socks on the Sentro Knitting Machine w/ a Crochet Afterthought Heel (Updated from 2021)

10 months ago

The only way to access this new and improved tutorial is via Hey Craftepreneur!, my pattern membership club. If you like the way I teach here on YouTube, you'll love the way I teach my patrons.

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I'm feeling really positive about this new adventure and to share in all of that, I'm offering 20% off the first month of the $5.99/mo subscription! You read that correctly, the first 100 Crafties to sign up for Hey Craftepreneur! will only pay $4.74 (+ tax) for their first month.

Just use the code ' LETMESTITCH ' at checkout. The offer ends when 100 people have used the code so sign up while you can. 💖

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