Grumpy elephant bull is incredibly fast when charging towards vehicle

6 months ago

The video shows how an elephant bull can suddenly become grumpy and come charging towards a vehicle in a matter of seconds.
Elephants, especially the older males, can be extremely dangerous animals if they want to or need to be. When going on a self drive safari in any of the National Parks or reserves in Africa, you have to be vigilant and prepared for anything to happen when viewing elephants, especially older and larger males. Like shown in this video, things can change in an instant and without any warning. I have viewed lots of elephants in my life as a nature guide out on safari over the years, while continuously studying their behaviour. There are a few very crucial basics you learn from the beginning. First golden rule is to keep a safe distance and not getting too close, no matter how chilled they might look at any given moment. Secondly, you have to be aware and prepared that their behaviour can change in a flash for no particular reason. Elephant bulls, weighing up to five tonnes, can reach speeds of up to 40km/h, within seconds. If you can’t get away fast enough, things can end very badly. Luckily on this day I was awake. I kept my distance and when I noticed the elephant stopped feeding, something told me this old bull became grumpy and started my vehicle and moved the gear into reverse. Without warning and in a split second, the bull elephant came charging towards me, putting my reverse skills at a high speed to the test. After the brief but very scary and intimidating charge, the bull elephant made his point and stopped. That was also where I decided to turn around and leave him in peace, showing him respect and that I understood his warning. If you hang around after a charge like that, you can be sure he will come again.

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