Prasat Non Ku - 10th Century Khmer Temple - Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand 2024

11 months ago

Prasat Non Ku is located in Nakhon Ratchasima province.

This Khmer sanctuary is assumed to have been built in the 10th century. It was built from bricks and sandstones and comprises of a main prasat on a high base. It faces to the east and has two librarys (Barnalai). The library’s are located in the front and face the prasat. All these buildings were surrounded by a boundary wall originally but the wall is completely gone except the base of the east gate.

The sanctuary has two main entrances one is in the east and the other is to the west.

It was officially proclaimed as an Ancient Monument by the King in the Royal Gazette September 2, 1936 and was officially proclaimed as a Scope Monument by the King in the Royal Gazette on October 21, 1982.

The temple is near a few other sites in the area. A stop here with Mueang Sema would make for a nice half day trip.

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