Sparking Controversy: The Hottest Topics For Debate l Episode 28 Part 2

11 months ago

Back by popular demand, we're answering a second round of Hot Topics. These questions really give you guys a glimpse of who we really are in our daily lives. Not only are we sharing our tasks with all of you, but we're getting to know each other a little better as well. There were so many questions that we split them up into two videos. So get your drink ready and toast with us as we begin another episode of the You Heard What I Said Podcast.

In part two of Hot Topics we're getting a little more risque' with some of our responses. The drinks have set in and we're ready to answer. Not only are we discussing household chores but also hygiene and restaurants preparations. Now neither one of us follow specific gender roles in our households when it comes to daily tasks, we just gravitate to the chores we fulfill best. It's all about working together with your family, sharing the load and making sure no one is overloaded with their share of the household responsibilities.

Don’t forget, Kion and I have some great new ventures that we are super excited to share with all of you. Welcome to You Heard What I Said White Noise now on Rumble. Go ahead and check it out if you need some focus, peace, or relaxation. Also stay tuned this month for You Heard What I Said White Noise coming to our YouTube page as well as more exciting features as we continue to grow our channel.

Join in on the fun and comment your responses regarding these Hot Topics. We are more than happy to hear from all of you! If you have a question for one of us, feel free to share on our page. As always, these are our personal experiences that we’re sharing with everyone! We aim to bring light, laughter, and fun to every episode. Just two siblings seeking to bring joy and enlightenment to every viewer.

Topic #1: Hot Topics Part 2
#Viral #FYP #Family #HotTopics #UnspokenRoles #Bathroom #Chores #RestaurantEtiquette #BestFriend #CantDoThatCrunchy #StayHumble #DirtyQuestions #Laughter #Thankful #40PlusClub #Outtakes #HardKnockOnTheBeat #YouKnowYouKnow #YouHeardWhatISaid #Kion #Precious #Podcast
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Listen on Spotify: You heard what I said podcast
Follow Kion on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook: @kionsaid37
Follow Precious on Instagram & Snapchat: @precioussaid888

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