11 months ago

Hi there Rumble(rs), WE’RE BACK with a brand new Quick Hits lesson! I’m psyched to be back with you all!

In today’s video, I’ll be giving a brief description of the three most commonly referred to grips of hand technique for drummers, and a few simple examples of how to I might use them.

I have a more in-depth companion lesson of these three stick grips over on The Drum Shed’s Locals site. It’s a Supporters Only Exclusive lesson, so if you’re enjoying the videos here, you might consider becoming a Drum Shed Locals Supporter to get even more detailed drum lessons with us!

🔴 Locals:

(FOR YOUR BRAND NEW DRUMMERS OUT THERE) - If you haven’t watched the first videos in this Beginner Series, I would highly recommend you go back to check that out before jumping into this one.

I hope this video is helpful. Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions, and/or what you think. There’s more of this Quick Hits Series coming, so stay tuned…

Thanks for watching this clip! I’m so very grateful for your support! 🙏🏼

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