C64 Games NG - Part 6 (New Generation: 2015 - 2016) - PAL 50fps

10 months ago

00:00:10 - Athanor - The Awakening
00:00:43 - Aviator Arcade II
00:01:15 - Awakening
00:01:48 - Barnsley Badger
00:02:32 - Break 64
00:03:04 - Bruce Lee II
00:03:37 - Camp_ The - Caravan Edition
00:04:09 - Caren and the Tangled Tentacles
00:04:42 - Carrera F1
00:05:15 - Commando Arcade SE
00:05:47 - Daffy Duck (Lost & found from 1992; go here for more info: https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/gtw64/daffy-duck/ )
00:06:20 - Drei Musketiere_ Die (German)
00:06:53 - Dungeon Crawl
00:07:25 - Endzeit II (German)
00:07:57 - Ghosts 'n Goblins Arcade
00:08:30 - Heroes & Cowards
00:09:03 - Jam it
00:09:36 - Jump Ninja
00:10:07 - Kevin in the Woods Beta
00:10:40 - MAH
00:11:14 - Maze of the Mummy
00:11:46 - MegaTron
00:12:18 - Rocket Smash EX
00:12:52 - Rust'n'Steel
00:13:23 - Sprint 1 Arcade Emulator
00:13:56 - Time of Silence
00:14:28 - Trance Sector Ultimate
00:15:00 - Ultima IV Remastered
00:15:34 - Zombi Terror

2016: 00:16:08
00:16:11 - Alienator
00:16:44 - Attack of the Mutant Cabbles 4K
00:17:17 - Bear Essentials SE_ The
00:17:50 - Blap N Bash Revisited
00:18:22 - Bug hunt
00:18:55 - C-2048
00:19:26 - CBM Asteroids
00:20:00 - Demons of Dex
00:20:32 - Donkey Kong Arcade
00:21:05 - Eye of the gods
00:21:38 - Fire to Jump
00:22:10 - Fort Django
00:22:43 - Frogger Arcade
00:23:16 - Goblin
00:23:47 - Hack Attack v1.1
00:24:20 - Hessian
00:24:53 - Icicle Race
00:25:25 - Kabura
00:25:59 - Lumberjack 4k
00:26:30 - Moonspire
00:27:03 - My Life
00:27:36 - Pentagram - Ultimate Edition - v.1.30
00:28:09 - Petaco 5
00:28:42 - Pickle's Pod Patrol
00:29:14 - Platman
00:29:47 - Quod Init Exit IIm
00:30:20 - Qwak
00:30:52 - Rock Maze (Reset Edition)
00:31:24 - Shotgun - 4 player death match
00:31:57 - SID Hero
00:32:30 - Slime Deluxe - WOC version
00:33:02 - Snafu'64 (Intellivision port)
00:33:34 - Spaceman Splorf
00:34:07 - Speeding on the A81
00:34:40 - Telengard Remastered 1.1
00:35:12 - Tiger Claw - Extended Edition
00:35:45 - UNI Games v0.4
00:36:17 - Vortex Crystals

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