Man Pruning A Tree Knocked Down By Falling Branch

7 years ago

Based solely on the videos that people submit to America's Funniest Home Videos, chainsaws were invented by an evil genius who wanted to see people hurt themselves.

In the AFV world, gardening and lawn care is an exercise in danger…

To start, this video features an older gentleman on a ladder that is leaning against a tree. Incidentally, the tree that ladder is leaning against is also the tree this man plans to lop limbs off of. Mistake number one. As with many of the chainsaw videos that we have seen here at AFV, the number one mistake that many amateur lumberjacks make is not considering where the tree they are sawing is going to land. Thus, mistake number two for this guy. He probably assumed that the branch was going to drop straight down. Of course, you and I know that that branch was never going to just fall straight down. Mistake number three comes from the way the man is actually attempting to saw the branch. To ensure that the branch would fall in the manner that he was expecting he should have sawed perpendicular to the branch and not horizontal.

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