Your Choices, Will Make You - Ravi Chandran

6 months ago

In the adult service, Ravi continues the sermon on the mount series with a message entitled, “Your Choices, Will Make You.” As we read, perhaps the two most crucial sentences of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 7:13-14, it probably might send chills up and down our spine! "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Why is it so “difficult” to find the way to life and heaven, and so “easy” to slip into destruction and hell? Is God really a “cruel taskmaster” or is He the lover of our souls? Have we as humans invented humanistic “alternate salvation” as opposed to God’s ONLY way - through atonement and redemption by the blood of Jesus? While religion provides many “self-help” programs, the true gospel invites us to literarily, take up our cross, or die to ourselves.

While these thoughts may be hard to grasp in an “entitlement humanistic” generation, the truth of the words of Jesus has never changed and will be proved right on the day of judgment. After all that has been said and done, when we stand before the throne of judgment, what do we think our destiny will be!?! Heaven or hell? The bible puts it simply - the choices you make will make you! There are consequences to all our decisions and there will be nobody to blame on the day of judgement but ourselves. Sadly, biblical statistics, as Jesus states it, need urgent evaluation by humans.

See you in ICC on Sunday at 1:00 pm:
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