Why The Catholic Church is the True Church, Part 2: The Sola Scriptura Heresy

11 months ago

Tracing the path to the true Church:

1. From Jesus Christ to the Apostles.
2. Jesus empowers St. Peter to establish His Church.
3. Post-Crucifixion, Apostles receive and resolve disputes through the Holy Spirit.
4. This apostolic authority, infused with the Holy Spirit, is passed down.
5. By 107 AD, the Church, led by these successors, is termed "Catholic" by St. Ignatius of Antioch.
6. Fast forward: The 1054 Schism splits Eastern and Western Churches, yet both uphold the Eucharist's sanctity.
7. In 1324, Marsilius of Padua shifts focus from ecclesiastical to popular authority in 'Defensor Pacis'.
8. Luther and Calvin, later, foster 'Sola Scriptura', sidelining Church authority for scriptural interpretation.
9. This leads to a myriad of interpretations and non-denominational sects – a departure from divine guidance.
10. The proliferation of sects underlines the divergence from the true vine of Christ.
11. Connection to Christ is through the Eucharist, upheld by apostolic succession – a lineage disrupted since the 1300s.
12. Hence, the Catholic Church, maintaining this unbroken succession, embodies the true vine, fulfilling God’s will. Therefore ‘Sola Scriptura’ is a heresy by guiding people away from the true vine, which is the apostolic succession of the Catholic Church.

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