Medical Healing Medium: Inner Child and Teen Healing!

11 months ago


In this video I go into Medical Medium work and things within the realm of healing that can help you embody more of your own soul and inner stability and maturity! I can only speak from my work and how I have been trained to do healing work from The Spirit Realms as a Medium - so this information is only applicable to me as a healer and not others. I am NOT speaking for other Medical Mediums in this video!
It is important that you find someone whom you resonate with and whom your energies feel comfortable with!

In this video I discuss:
•Inner Child Healing, the masculine and feminine and feelings of "smallness" and high levels of insecurity coming from an insecure Inner Child
•Reclaiming the joy, light and the "je ne sais quoi" with an Inner Healed Child
•TEEN HEALING! The majority of us are INCREDIBLY spiritually, emotionally and sexually repressed from how we experienced our teens!
I cannot express how my own teen healing changed my perception of myself and who I actually was OUTSIDE of family projections- a lot of who we "think" we are is really PROJECTIONS from others- and not what we truly desire from the soul!
•Emotional Healing and Integration: when we learn to HEAR "underneath" whats going on under the NOISE we are better able to self guide ourselves with inner confidence and certainty in our own lives and be comfortable and capable in the unknown- this brings inner stability, maturity, clarity and decisivness! This is why going to a healing session can really open up clarity and ease from within.

PERSONAL NOTE: I do not like to EXCUSE behaviours based on "unconsciousness" - it is important to discern were someone is at in The Earthly Realm and make an informed decision as to where abouts they are and where abouts YOU are. Please do not ever put yourself in unsafe situations or excuse someone else's behaviour under the guise of "love and light" and "spirituality". As I was moving through some very unloving situations I was pushed multiple times via the spirit realms to "stand my ground" and to not excuse or allow someone to abuse my energy when they were enjoying doing it. There is such a thing as people being rather "sadistic" in enjoying making someone else feel badly about themselves. This is also where there can be very intense energy transference/ projection and this is why I talk extensively on boundaries and discernment in The Earthly Realm- which can add to more of your own spiritual maturity and confidence in navigating energy and others around you!
While you may be able to see someone is "traumatised" it is up to them to move through that trauma- it is not your responsibility to allow someone to energetically " trauma dump" their unconscious insecurities and negativity onto you!

For a lot of men- emotional repression starts as early as childhood and this is how you get alot of men ( and women) who do not know how to authentically express how they feel- having little connection to "feeling" and how to place words to that. A healer can help you "tune in" and find ways of expressing that side of you in a unique way. Sometimes, words cant do justice to FEELING!

With women- emotional repression really exhonerates the feminine "flow and easy creativity" that makes for an "easy breezy" woman. When there is unprocessed emotional trauma in the feminine spirit it is hard to "feel" the feminine essence from within and what she is telling you.
Emotional Healing is GREAT for opening up to more heart based soul connections in relationship and life!

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Bailey is a clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Realms.
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

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