2024-03-06, GESARA Talk Show 201 - Wednesday

11 months ago

March 6, 2024, The GESARA Talk Show 201 - Wednesday
Duration: 3:31:50 - Captions in English and German
Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany), Kirsten (NC. USA) and Barbara (FL, USA)

0:00:00 Kirsten and voting in primaries, Peter and voting after Brexit
0:08:53 Video with Trump and Biden
0:11:08 Peter spoke with stock market traders
0:12:30 Wolverine's Intel report, Dinar on Forex
0:19:07 Biden approval rate. Stroke like in movie "Dave"?
0:21:33 German word "Beiden" (both) is pronounced like "Biden"
0:22:50 Peter on trip to Potsdam in two weeks.
0:25:23 Who can help create the index (this list is the index)?
0:33:07 Darren: Galactic News! 4 Types of Space Drives.
0:40:26 The process has begun! Dale Carnegie
0:42:21 GESARA News, March 6, 2024
1:08:03 More News from Kirsten.
1:10:52 Advantages of Indexing the show
1:14:20 Disadvantages of Indexing the show
1:18:11 Debt-Clock Update
1:19:46 Stella: Likes indexed shows. Saw Julian Assange Movie
1:23:13 The Trust Fall - Julian Assange - Trailer
1:26:39 Stella: First impressions of the movie
1:33:42 Kirsten's Video Show
1:34:46 News on Biden/Harris drop dead hour.
1:35:53 BBC Panorama on US Elections
1:37:14 Jack: Primaries: Vermont and D.C., Monoliths, BofA offline, Gas Report
1:49:54 Derek: Court case, High treason, Unlawful oath, Russia
2:11:24 Donna: People's Court of Terry Australis, Aus invaded by Brits.
2:16:14 Philip: Lin Wood, Famous people dubious, NDA for projects, Elections
2:27:48 Hannah: Court order? /Anger management
2:40:02 Barbara: Is Barbara OK, Tennis is out.
2:46:36 Robert: EFT @ EMOfree.com- Gary Craig, How to stop worrying (and start living) by Dale Carnegie
2:51:52 Robert: Persistent 'Intrusive thoughts' supplement, Lithium Orotate, RifeForum.com
2:55:36 Barbara: Health Project (building your own local tennis courts)
2:56:38 Dell: Global Events coming soon? Better 'back screen' rates, Banking stings
3:01:19 Flat Earth Challenge, invented by CIA to cause dissention
3:02:51 Peter v/s Kirsten: The earth-a-she-is-round!…....FLAT!…....Round!…...... LOL
3:03:41 Dell: RV center, Bank choices, Aliens present? New tech releases soon after?
3:06:43 Peter: Unique experiences of a versatile podcast host. First GESARA Show?
3:13:54 Robert: Birth Certificate Trust Funds still apply pre-RV?
3:16:53 Dell: Does UCC Process help at your RV appointment? GESARA show search index
3:19:40 How can you donate to the show? https://gesara-show.com/donate
3:22:08 Wii Sports video games, fond memories, Peter the inquisitor, pengo
3:27:03 Soul family, twin flames magnetic pulling-to attraction. Crazy talk.
3:31:50 End.

Getting started on the GESARA Show

Version 2

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