(15.) The Watchmen Program Security Solution Answer to All Economical Ecological Problems

6 months ago

The Watchmen Program, Security, Solution, Answer to All Economical & Ecological Problems

#1 Will- Better protect the nation; from Terrorist
Attacks from the inside out.
#2 Will- Nationwide create millions of Jobs for Citizens within;
and Military personnel coming home.
#3 Will- Generate billions of New Revenue for the
Federal & Local Government to reconcile their books.
#4 Will- Establish a Green Facilities Industry building
Homes, Schools, Medical units & portable farms
#5 Will- Build a universal vehicle for Educating New
Entrepreneurs & Training Emergency Responders.
#6 Will- Help rein in rouge Rulers; working with our allies
defusing Threats of War & Terrorism.
#7 Will- Give generous help to Refugees displaced from their
homes globally.

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