A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment - Who Cares What Your Mom Thinks

11 months ago

Ultimately, you have to love your mom because she didn't abort you…She chose life for you and that's saying a fucking lot in today's society. So, not only was she NOT your executioner but instead she punched your ticket into this world and that's more than enough to get my eternal gratitude. and I’m forever grateful I just don't care what she thinks about me…or what I do…or who I am….how I act, what I've become, or anything really because Im trying to be the baddest mother fucker of all time…not a fucking 60-year-old lady ya know what I mean.
Don’t worry about the person your mom wants you to be because the person your mom wants you to be is not the person you want to be unless you want to be a fucking pussy because your mom definitely wants you to be a pussy…she does…you never hear a mom be like “my son, yeah he’s a bad man”. No, they say he’s such a sweet boy or so kind or so caring or some other soft shit like that because they don't want you to be hardcore…they’re moms…they're scared of hardcore.
Moms imagine the worst at all times and that never stops. She wants you to be safe…to come back to your home town…settle down…marry a boring girl…have kids…and become an unhappy, out of-shape, habitual news watching, alcoholic that exists solely for the joys of eating out and watching television…but at least your close by.
Ultimately, your mom wanted a baby…and you were that baby so in my mind you’re even…ya know what I mean…thanks for life, I'm off to go live it now…until its end of life care time, then you do owe her that too…again, in return for not killing you in the womb…but between then and now, who gives a fuck what your mom thinks

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