New Moon in Pisces (3/10/24)

11 months ago

19:03:45 From theresa to Everyone:
19:07:31 From Priyanka to Everyone:
Brb. But I feel that the new moon energy at this pivotal moment between seasons (winter to spring) is a purging of the darkness and any things that don’t serve us and an oppty to come out of rest and hibernating into movement forward
19:07:46 From theresa to Everyone:
Reacted to "Brb. But I feel th..." with ❤️
19:08:23 From theresa to Everyone:
AHHH 20 years!
19:15:28 From theresa to Everyone:
oshans tea?
19:18:06 From theresa to Everyone:
From John Craig to Everyone:
For small farms … “dig and dance”
19:23:16 From Cosmic Labyrinth to Everyone:
Reacted to "For small farms … “d..." with 🍄
19:24:04 From Mick Lorusso to Everyone:
Reacted to "For small farms … “d..." with ❤️
19:26:34 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
YES Small and local!!!
19:27:24 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
19:28:44 From Mick Lorusso to Everyone:
Reacted to "massages!!!" with ❤️
19:29:26 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
Also building community
19:30:14 From Mick Lorusso to Everyone:
Reacted to "Also building commun..." with 🎉
19:32:04 From John Craig to Everyone:
Reacted to "massages!!!" with ❤️
19:37:00 From Benjamin Fahrer to Everyone:
Thank you. This is very interesting in how to build a counter culture that the festivals are just touch points. I like the idea of the continuum of partnerships with place based stewards
19:37:16 From Benjamin Fahrer to Everyone:
My connection is a bit spotty sorry!
19:40:14 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
Doctors and nurses definitely need more connection to spaces of play, nature, and earth-based education
19:40:20 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
It is lacking big time
19:43:33 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
A great way to combat the burnout and mental health issues of our essential workers who sacrificed much
19:43:34 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
This is one of the top issues of the workforce

19:44:30 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
@theresa AWESOME proposal!
19:44:31 From Mick Lorusso to Everyone:
Reacted to "A great way to comba..." with 🙌
19:56:47 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
I only know of street artists leaving their tag behind so their art can be connected around the world
19:57:59 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
Meditative quotes! Mindfulness activities, affirmations connecting self with earth
19:58:10 From Cosmic Labyrinth to Everyone:
Reacted to "Meditative quotes! M..." with 🦋
20:01:43 From theresa to Everyone:
20:04:11 From Cosmic Labyrinth to Everyone:
20:05:15 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
20:05:22 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
Reacted to "https://www.californ…" with ❤️
20:05:59 From Cosmic Labyrinth to Everyone:
20:06:03 From theresa to Everyone: is another example
20:06:55 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:
That is an awesome business !
20:07:08 From Cosmic Labyrinth to Everyone:
20:07:10 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
Can we share these in the WhatsApp group to so they don’t get lost
20:09:17 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
I used to live at and volunteer at the center. Such a great space
20:09:31 From theresa to Everyone:
can you send a flyer? ill send to UT folx and some other richmond organizations
20:09:35 From Priyanka Surio to Everyone:
20:10:45 From Diana Cantu-Reyna to Everyone:

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